Monday, September 23, 2019

Down East Spud Busters National Distribution Program Research Paper

Down East Spud Busters National Distribution Program - Research Paper Example Because the company wants to improve its sales and capture a large market, the sales associate will be expected to work hard towards convincing most business entities that can buy the products. The sales associates can have their operating centers in each region and should receive feedback from the clients concerning the products of sales services. The HR policies and procedures should be changed to incorporate the new strategy of distributing the products. The company expects to sell in several regions using sales associates. Policies should include restrictions on product storage, handling, and management of center stores. Procedures should guide the sales associate on how they will manage the regional centers and distribution of the products. The company should develop a portfolio indicating the skills experience and qualities needed in a sales associate to help it achieve its goals. This will guide its recruitment (Bateman & Snell, 2013). Industries that could use this model are; the agricultural industry, the automotive industry, and Food and beverage industry among others. An ice cream producer could use this model and get so many customers. The same applies to a baker. Some foodstuff however, cannot be distributed in this manner, the model can still be implemented is stores are constructed in specific regions like most coffee shops have done. Another example is the retail industry.

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